What can you expect from Private Credit Connect: East?
- 1,000+ highly motivated private credit funds, investors, borrowers, and industry supporters all there to do business, seal deals and drive the industry forward
- More discussions, less platitudes: a full day, multi-stream program that dives deep into the many strategies and markets that come together to form private credit
- Dedicated time to secured and unsecured ABF strategies, direct lending broken down by borrower's EBITDA, insight into fund finance, MM CLOs, regulation, secondaries, esoterics and data
- An issuer showcase profiling a range of active issuers with innovative strategies in unusual markets
- Short and sharp 'Asset Class 101s' to get you up to speed on each ecosystem
- Interest from, and access, to the 5,000+ ABS East ecosystem of issuers, investors, banks & supporters
Get the best of both worlds at Private Credit Connect: East; the opportunity to immerse yourself in a dedicated private credit ecosystem AND the chance to access the world's largest private/public credit marketplace. All in one place and at one time...