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Pascale Olivié

Pascale Olivié

Asset Backed Products – Advisory, Société Générale CIB
Pascale joined SG early 2019, she is based in Paris and leads the capital/risk relief franchise for SG account and third parties FI clients. Since 2019, she executed 30 CRT trades for approximately 60 bn€ securitized portfolio, with some landmark transactions: Jupiter (awarded SCI Innovation of the year 2019), Colisée (SCI Innovation of the year 2021), Greendom (SCI Impact deal of the year 2022). Prior to joining SG, she worked 12 years at CACIB, firstly within the Securitization team and then within the CPM team where she was responsible for the structuring and management of regcap and secured funding deals for own account ; she built there a solid track record of synthetic securitizations deals and bespoke risk transfer transactions: 14bn€ securitized portfolio in 2015-18, covering a wide range of asset classes (incl. corporate assets, trade finance & emerging assets, Project/asset finance, capital calls) under Notes format and bilateral financial guarantee ; with some landmark transactions: first Green Capital Notes backed by a $ 3bn of Structured Finance portfolio (2017); synthetic securitization of a 3bn€ corporate assets portfolio with EIB Group within Juncker Plan (2017) ; synthetic securitization of a 2bn$ trade finance & emerging assets portfolio with IFC with reallocation on Social Emerging assets (2018).   Pascale graduated from the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique (ENSAE, Paris).