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David Andrukonis

David Andrukonis

Managing Director, Data and Analytics Products, RiskSpan

David Andrukonis, CFA is Senior Managing Director of business development for RiskSpan’s data and analytics platform, Edge. Edge offers loan and structured product investors award-winning technology toolkit that adds speed and insight at all points in the workflow. AI-powered data normalization, automatic stratifications, historical slicing and dicing, structure-reading and cash flow modeling are just examples.  

​ ​David developed RiskSpan’s credit loss accounting (CECL) solution.  

​ ​David also led the development of specialized credit risk models such as structural credit risk models for shipping finance. He has specialized in non-traditional ABS valuations including aircraft lease and pharmaceutical royalty deals, and validated a wide range of financial forecasting models, including asset/liability models, profitability models, and credit risk models. 

​ ​Prior to joining RiskSpan, David managed the credit risk department at WashingtonFirst Bank, where he oversaw credit underwriting for the bank's diverse portfolio of residential real estate, C&I, CRE, and consumer loans. 
